Honor your Child Care Hero

Honor your Child Care Hero

Organized by Juanita Pope

Time left to add your video:

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How do I record a great video?

Who is this for?

Child Care and After School Professionals

What are we doing?

Join us to create a video tribute to honor child care and after school professionals. You can recognize a specific provider who is special to you and your family, thank the entire field, congratulate the 2021 honorees (to be announced soon), or all three! It will only take you a minute to film and submit your video from your phone. This will be an unforgettable gift that communicates our collective love and appreciation. Don’t be the last to submit!

Questions to answer in your video

  • Name the child care provider who's made an impact for your child/family, and tell us how.
  • Thank Westchester's child care and after school professionals for their commitment to teaching and nurturing children.


Answer a single question or both questions

How do I record a great video?

Not ready to record?

RSVP and we'll remind you when the deadline approaches.

Know someone who deserves a Tribute?

Mark the date in your calendar and GET 20% OFF!