Home is Sacred Storybank
Organized by PICO California
Time left to add your video:
Who is this for?
PICO California
What are we doing?
PICO California is collecting housing stories and want to know Yours. It will only take you a minute to film and submit! Please let us know if you are a renter, homeowner or small landlord.
PICO California está recopilando historias y quiere conocer la suya.
Sólo le llevará un minuto grabarlo y enviarlo. Háganos saber si es usted inquilino, propietario o pequeño propietario.
*By submitting your video you agree to a full release of your image/likeness to be disseminated and utilized at the discretion of PICO California.
Al enviar tu vídeo aceptas que tu imagen sea difundida y utilizada a discreción de PICO California.*
Questions to answer in your video
- Home is Sacred to me because… // El hogar es sagrado para mí porque...
- What is your housing story? // ¿Cuál es su historia en materia de vivienda?
Answer a single question or both questions
Not ready to record?
RSVP and we'll remind you when the deadline approaches.

Know someone who deserves a Tribute?
Mark the date in your calendar and GET 20% OFF!