Workplace Tribute for SEF High School Teacher Appreciation

Workplace Tribute for SEF High School Teacher Appreciation

Organized by Bethanne Bradshaw

Time left to add your video:

Upload photos
How do I record a great video?

Who is this for?

SEF High School Teacher Appreciation

What are we doing?

We are creating a video montage (or "Tribute") for SEF High School Teacher Appreciation. It will only take you a minute to film and submit your video. It should make for an unforgettable gift that shares our collective love and appreciation. Don't be the last to submit!

Questions to answer in your video

  • What do you appreciate most about SEF High School Teacher Appreciation?
  • Please include a sign with your first name (only), school, and teacher(s) you are thanking


Answer a single question or both questions

How do I record a great video?

Not ready to record?

RSVP and we'll remind you when the deadline approaches.

Know someone who deserves a Tribute?

Mark the date in your calendar and GET 20% OFF!